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Do., 16. Juni
Cacao + Sound Journey
A deeply nourishing + restorative journey to the heart
Anmeldung abgeschlossen
Veranstaltungen ansehenZeit & Ort
16. Juni 2022, 20:00
Zürich, Zwinglistrasse 40, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland
Über die Ceremony
Join Astrid for a heart-expanding ceremony guided by the power of Sacred Sound and Ceremonial Cacao.
Sacred Sound brings positive vibrational harmony to your being while Ceremonial Cacao is the medicine that awakens your senses and connects you deeply to your heart.
Expect to release negative energies, thoughts & emotions and shift yourself into a higher frequency of unconditional love, deep relaxation and well-being.
What to expect:
- Shamanic Cacao Opening
- Heart Meditation
- Sound Journey Into Your Heart-Space
- Sharing and Closing Circle
Space is limited!
Normales Ticket
35,00 CHF+ 0,88 CHF ServicegebührVerkauf beendet
0,00 CHF
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