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Breathe your Way back to Yourself and your Souls Calling. 

Ancient Healing Techniques, Modern Psychology and Spirituality.  

Get your Breathwork Session!

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Powerful, transformative, and completely free of charge.

Kostenlose Breathwork-Session, die dir hilft, dich von emotionalen Blockaden zu befreien, dich mit deinem höheren Selbst zu verbinden und deine Intuition zu stärken. Erfahre innere Ruhe und Klarheit, während du deine Atmung bewusst nutzt, um tiefe Transformation zu erleben.

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Projector 6/2 in Human Design,
intuitive Medicine Woman, living between México and Switzerland.

Hi, I'm Astrid!

As an expert in breathwork, psychologist, and mentor, I support you in breaking free from the chains of limiting blockages, making peace with your past, confidently shaping your future, and experiencing deep fulfillment and joy in the present.

No more playing small!

Now is the time to activate your true potential.

Let’s rewrite your story together and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

 Let's have fun and make your life amazing! 

 The Cura Breathwork®


This unique method is the most effective way to create a new blueprint of yourself - from there everything else changes!


I work with a powerful synthesis of trauma-informed breathwork, holistic healing techniques, somatic trauma therapy, subconscious reprogramming, nervous system re-setting, as well as high-level coaching and mediumship.

 Client Love 

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"Ich durfte tiefe innere Schmerzen heilen und Blockaden lösen, die mir das Leben schwer gemacht haben."

"Es war die beste Entscheidung, die ich je getroffen habe. In jeder Sitzung konnte ich so viele Dinge loslassen. Ich habe jetzt diesen inneren Frieden und die Klarheit, nach der ich gesucht habe."


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 Let's connect! 

Follow me on Instagram, TikTok + Facebook for insights on my life, as well as the best tips, tools and techniques to give you and your life an upgrade!

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